Owner / Web Designer
What makes LCW unique?
Quality of service is #1
Strong attention to detail
Highly experienced
Unique designs
Cost effective options
Quality websites
Easy and fun to work with
LCW Web Solutions is a boutique business that specializes in website design and implementation. Linda C. Walker, a Wix Certified Webmaster, is the owner and principal Creative Web Designer for LCW Web Solutions. The objective of LCW is to work closely with clients to increase their online visibility and grow their businesses.
Linda’s passion for technology started while working in the field of telecommunications in the corporate world. After leaving corporate America, she became a consultant providing project-based management for online marketing services.
Additionally, Linda served as a trained Supervised Child Visitation Monitor in the community for two years. She has utilized her technical and design skills by currently designing websites for her fellow Monitors.
Personalized websites for Supervised Child Visitation Monitors is the primary focus and specialty of LCW Web Solutions!
Linda’s goal is to create beautiful, customized websites for her clients in a timely manner, while keeping costs low. Linda limits the number of customers she works with at one time, so she can provide the personal attention they deserve.
To partner with LCW for your website project, call 424-387-1981 or complete the "Let's Get Started" form to schedule a FREE consultation.